10 Foods That Are Essential for a Strong Immune System - You Can’t Ignore!

After all, the immune system is the body's only defense against disease, bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders, and it must be kept healthy to continue this fight. Your immune system is always working, whether it is the common everyday illnesses or the others that are much more serious that can actually take over your body. But just like every organ in your body, your lungs, your immune system needs it's nutrition and support to do it's job to the best of it's ability.
Although sleeping 8 hours, and exercising, and not stressing would be nice, but those are not possible, but the food you intake is just as important. Food can be good for the immune system because a lot of it has vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and other bioactive components that help boost the immune system of the human body. From kids to old people, they all say that everyone needs to eat more food that boosts the immune system.
This is my article that will tell you the ten super foods that are packed with immune boosting cells to help you never fall ill.
Importance Of a Strong Immune System
A healthy immune system is necessary for everyone; it acts as a shield to protect the body from diseases and pathogens throughout our lives. In children, it helps to grow and develop, prevent numerous illnesses and set up fundamental health for the whole life. Finally, for the adult population, a strong immune system contributes towards energy levels, work efficiency and general health status with a decreased potential of getting chronicle diseases. For elderly people, it is even more important to have a strong immune system as, with advancing age, the natural resistance diminishes, and as a result, the life span as well as the quality of life of an individual is enhanced. In this way, consuming vitamins, exercising, and getting enough sleep individuals can boost their immune system and keep this system effective throughout life.
1. Citrus Fruits: The Vitamin C Powerhouses
The various types of citrus fruits people love include oranges, lemons, grapefruit and lime, which are well known for the high amount of vitamin C they contain. This vitamin dissolves in water; hence, it is very popular among immune boosters. This vitamin C is very important because it can stimulate the growth of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections. As an extra advantage, vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals which may damage cells or cause inflammation.
Why It Helps: Continuous intake of vitamin C has been found to lessen the intensity and the span of common cold signs and symptoms. Additionally, it fortifies immunity by improving the activity of phagocytes—these are type of white blood cells that consume bacteria and other harmful particles in addition to performing other functions related to immune response.
Beyond colds: Research has indicated that immune system-boosting effects from vitamin C also decrease chances of developing chronic illnesses like heart related problems (CVD). Furthermore, its antioxidant action allows body tissues remain safe from oxidative stress believed to be a risk factor for multiple health disorders.
How to include: It is very easy to include citrus fruits into your diet plan. Start your day with the glass of orange juice, use lemon in water in between the meals, add grapefruit in your salad during dinner. Citrus zest can also be consumed in food preparation to enhance the taste of food as well as introducing nutrient content in the meal.
Pro Tip: With all these in mind, do not forget the zest!
The skin of citrus fruits, for example, oranges, are usually thrown away but they are actually full of nutrients. Citrus zest essential oils and phytonutrients possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory features. You can enhance your meals by grating some zest into them, and this is also healthy.
2. Garlic: The Immune-Boosting Allium
It may be an often used spice and seasoning around the globe, but then garlic is a natural healers’ favorite as well. This flavoured bulb is rich in sulfur containing substances such as allicin that has been found to increase the activity of the white blood cells hence boosting the immunity of the body.
Why it Helps: Another essential compound processed by garlic is the allicin compound that emerges from the garlic when the garlic is crushed or chopped. Allicin has been found to be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and thus garlic is a medicinal ingredient for treating various types of infections. Also, because of the introduction of sulfur-containing compounds into garlic, the function of white blood cells and the production of antibodies, which are essential for the identification and destruction of infectious substances, are activated.
More than just Immunity: Initially, garlic has been associated with not just the improvement in immunity but with several other benefits as well. It is the truth that garlic is instrumental in the decrease of hypertension, cholesterol-lowering, and also it can help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This is the reason why I see garlic as a ‘superfood’ and I am a strong supporter of people’s diet to include it.
How to Include: While using garlic for the preparation of your food or during the making of a tea or juice, the garlic must be allowed to release its allicin by the process of crushing or chopping and then set it aside for a few minutes before using it
You can chop and add it to your salads, soups, or dips or include it in your recipe while preparing meals. In addition, roasted garlic can be eaten like soft butter spread on bread or as being used in other roasted dishes or vegetables.
Pro Tip: Eat It Raw for Maximum Benefits
Cooked garlic has some specific health advantages however its allicin content is lower compared to raw garlic. For those who can bear the strong smell, it is recommended to eat raw garlic with honey or add it to guacamole or salsa.
3. Yogurt: Probiotics for Immune and Gut Health
Yogurt is one of the most widely consumed fermented dairy products with added probiotics, which are good for the human gut. That is why it is actually vital to have proper gut health, as at least 70% of the human immune system is located in the GI tract. Probiotics that are present in yogurt help the body to keep the good bacteria in the right amount thus boosting the body’s immune system to combat infections.
Why it Helps: Yogurt not only aids digestion but also enhances immune activity since the substances produced by the probiotics assist in the synthesis of antibodies as well as stimulating the activity of such human immune cells as the T lymphocytes and macrophages. Furthermore, yogurt is usually enriched with vitamin D, controls the immune system, and might prevent the flu.
More benefits: Yogurt also reflects a rich source of calcium, protein, and B vitamins in the human diet, hence making yogurt to be a dense food. Researchers argue that the risk of acquiring some gastrointestinal pathogens is lowered if one takes yogurt on a regular basis; it mainly helps prevent autoimmune diseases through the enhancement of immune tolerance.
How to include: While selecting yogurt, it is advisable to go for natural or those which contain no added sugar and which contain live active cultures. You can take yogurt plain, ask for a topping of fruits or you can take yogurt with some fruits and blend them to make shakes. Add the yogurt to your salads as a base for salad dressing, or use instead of sour cream and cream-based products.
Pro Tip: Search for ‘Live and Active Cultures’.
When trying to buy they yogurt, look at the label to make sure that they contain living active cultures. Such cultures are the probiotics that should provide maximal positive impact to the immune system and the Gastrointestinal Tract.
4. Ginger: The Warming Healer for Immune Health
In ancient medicine, ginger has been used as a root; people have been relishing ginger benefits for a long time. Ginger: This spicy root has bioactive compounds such as gingerol, which besides being anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting, kill bacteria causing some types of infections.
Why it works: Reducing inflammation using ginger and by increasing the immune system are two of the ways ginger is involved in the fight against cancer. When you are always in a state of low-grade inflammation, your immune system has to work harder to perform everyday tasks, which type, over time, weakens the body
Ginger: Ginger helps to control inflammation, which in turn is an immune modulator.
Third, the warming effects of ginger can be useful in quieting a sore throat as well as decreasing nausea and promoting gut health — both things that help build or maintain immunity.
Ginger Beyond the Spice Cabinet: Immune Support and more. It reduces pain, breaks down, and prevents increased muscle aches after heavy training. Plus, it also decreases the rise of glucose in the blood. From battling a cold to improving your overall health, ginger is good for everything.
How to include: Grate fresh ginger into teas, soups, or smoothies for a burst of heat. It is useful in stir-fries, baked goods, and homemade juices. If you are not a fan of fresh ginger taste, then consider using dried one next time in your cooking!
5. Spinach: A Nutrient-Rich Leafy Green Superfood
Spinach, one of the dark leafy greens that is full of essential nutrients became a superfood for your general wellbeing and support towards immune system. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta-carotene are powerful immune system boosters that can be found in spinach. Spinach also gives your body iron — very important in making hemoglobin, the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout our bodies.
How it helps: The antioxidants in spinach get to work defending your immune system by neutralizing damaging free radicals that can weaken immunity and injure cells. Vitamin C helps in making white blood cells, while Vitamin E strengthens the body to fight against all pathogens. The iron in spinach also helps promote proper blood flow and the delivery of immune cells to all areas of our body.
Spinach isn't just Vitamins: It's a host of phytonutrients that include anti-inflammatory high-flavonoids and carotenoids, which lower the risk for numerous health problems. When taken in conjunction with the trace elements of spinach, these nutrients work together to give you a more well-rounded immune support package.
How to Include: Spinach is one of the most nutritious plant foods, so eating it raw will give you all benefits. Toss some spinach to your salad, smoothie or sandwich; you may also stir it with garlic as a side dish. Spinach can also be added to soups, casseroles and pasta dishes.
Pro Tip: Lightly cooking for super nutrition
Spinach is nutritious uncooked, but its wealth of iron and calcium are better delivered in a slightly cooked state. Pairing your spinach with some high-quality oil and water via a quick sauté or steam is a way to step that nutrition up quite significantly.
6. Almonds: The Vitamin E and Healthy Fat Boost
Almonds represents a part of food with dense nutrients that contain vitamin E that is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is important in the immune system. Vitamin E has a role in maintaining the cells from the oxidative stress thus reduces the immune response capacity gradually. Apart from vitamin E, almonds are rich in healthy fats, protein and fiber hence being a nutritious food in the body.
Why it helps: It has been established that vitamin E has the potential to boost up the immune response as it encourages the function of T cells, which are various in recognizing pathogens for destruction. The almond also comes with healthy fats that help the body in absorbign the so-called fat soluble vitamins including, vitamin E which has the powerful potential to boost the immune system. Additionally, almonds contain magnesium which is vital for the normal elfuru of the immune system and also it is antiinflamatory.
More benefits: Almonds also create the greatest benefit to the immunity, the heart and brain as well as the skin health. The foods are rich in fiber thus enhance digestion and has been known to improve the immune system.
How to include: Small serving of almonds are good for instance, a handful of almonds is adequate for snacking. You can also sprinkle few sliced almonds over your yogurt, oat meal or salads for an interesting feel and health benefits. Almond butter can also be used as spread or included in the everyday smoothie as well.
Pro Tip: Here Soaking of almonds is preferable for better digestion.
Soaking almonds results in the removal of phytic acid that negatively affects it. The reason behind this is phytic acid is a substance that hinders the absorption of the nutrients from the almonds by the body and it could be overcome through the technique of soaking the almonds.
7. Turmeric: Turmeric: the Gold Spice with Anti-inflammatory Properties
Turmeric has a bioactive compound, curcumin, which is a very potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that has been clinically proven to be the best for human health especially in boosting the immune system.
Ciclo-ospoquinone was counteracted in one study. Typically, curcumin in the presence of it gives off harmful reactive oxygen species, thus, causing mitochondria to leak electrons in cell density and come alive in a new path. The good news is, this mechanism is stopped when turmeric is taken. Calcineurin is another molecular target as jury is not out on it without the presence of curcumin.
Additional Merits: Turmeric is not the only one that has been said to support the immune system. Curcumin is a powerful ingredient: The application of curcumin as a great Alzheimer’s prevention supplement is a field that looks very promising in several lab studies. It is also found to be a potent agent in the-so-called co-therapy for cardiovascular d-Disease. Since it acts as a proton donor (scavenger) on oxygen radicals, curcumin can also be used in the classification of ROS in terms of whether curcumin could reduce the superoxides in cells.
How to Include: From curries and soups to smoothies lattes, combine turmeric with black pepper to increase its bioavailability (as piperine, the active ingredient in black pepper, improves curcumin absorption.)
Pro Tip: Have a turmeric latte instead!
A turmeric latte, also called golden milk, benefits you with the immune-boosting properties of turmeric but in a savory and sweet hot cup of joy. Just warm milk (or a non-dairy choice) with turmeric, and ginger!
8. Blueberries: Antioxidant-Rich Berries for Immune Health
Despite being small in size, blueberries are great in strengthening your immune system. These little berries are rich sources of antioxidants especially the flavonols which has the ability to safeguard your cells and offer the immune an added power to combat diseases. Moreover, blueberries are rich sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber which are all good for everyone’s health.
Why it helps: The bio-active compounds, the flavonoids in the blueberries including the anthocyanins improve the immune response by the better functioning of the respiratory system’s mucosa. This lining is what prevents the pathogens from penetrating and the flavonoids aid in making it stronger. Moreover, antioxidants in blueberries have an ability to fight inflammation that, gradually, affects the immunity.
More benefits: Blueberries also help in improving brain function, heart health as well as for weight loss. These foods are low in calories and rich in fiber; thus they can be recommended for people who have a healthy dieting plan.
How to include: Blueberries can be eaten raw or raw as a snack or can be an addition to a smoothie, yogurt, oatmeal, salad, or almost any other recipe. You can also incorporate them in muffins or pancakes for a healthy meal for your body.
Pro Tip: Plan for Using Blueberries through the Year
Fresh blueberries are relatively seasonal fruits while frozen blueberries contain most of their nutrient value thus can be obtained all year round. Use frozen blueberries to blend into your smoothies or as you have them defrost, for use in your baking and cooking.
9. Green Tea: A warm cup of immune support.
Green tea just does not only act as a natural remedy for soothing, but also consists of antioxidants and compounds that strengthen the immune system. The major constituent in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate that also works as antioxidant it has had influence on the immune system proposing defense against infections.
Why it helps: EGCG also found abundantly in green tea has anticarcinogenic properties that shield immunocytes from oxidative stress besides stimulating the development of T cells that are imperative for infections fighting. Besides, green tea has L-theanine, an amino acid that is known to have a positive effect on T cell functions and, therefore, increases the body’s capacity to create antibodies that could combat viruses and bacteria.
More benefits: Green tea is also associated with enhanced cognition, cholesterol reduction, and decreased chances of contracting common diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. When consumed, it has a smooth stimulatory effect from the caffeine blended with the relaxing L-theanine present in the tea.
How to include: It is recommended to have a cup of green tea in the morning or even at the afternoon. You can also add green tea in your smoothies of iced tea if you are looking for a different and healthy way of having a cup of tea.
Pro Tip: Opt for Matcha for Maximum Benefits
Matcha is the green tea powdered which has more antioxidant and nutrients content than ordinary green tea. If you want a stronger kick to your immune system, then it is best to add matcha into your diet plan.
10. Red Bell Peppers: A Colourful Source of Vitamin C
Red bell peppers surprise most people when they tell you that they contain more vitamin C than most citrus fruits. This colourful vegetable is also rich in beta carotene which the body can convert to Vitamin A an important nutrient for immunity. These bell peppers are crunchy and sweet, thus offering free immunity booster with every slice that you take.
Why it Helps: Red bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, making it possible to improve the production of white blood cells, which are involved in combating other infections. Vitamin A from beta-carotene assists in optimal vision and protecting the skin and the mucous membranes that are a barrier to pathogens. Altogether, it contributes a strong support to the immune system of the body as the following nutrients do.
More benefits: It is important to note that consumption of the red bell peppers contains little calories but has many fibre thus beneficial in cases of managing fetch. They also afford antioxidants which eradicate oxidization stress and decrease likelihood of long-term condition ailments.
How to include: It can be included in a raw, crunchy, and green-like guacamole bowl. They are crunchy when eaten raw or like diced pieces added to salads, but when roasted like jalapenos, they are sweet as honey. They can also be incorporated in stir fry, omelettes or pasta meals in order to have an added nutritional value.
Conclusion: Nourishing Your Immune System for Lifelong Health
If you include these ten foods in your diet, you are making it possible for the body's immune system to defend you against infections and disease transmission. It’s possible to include more citrus fruits, garlic, yogurt, ginger, spinach, almonds, turmeric, blueberries, green tea, red bell peppers and many others in meals and make our immune system healthier and stronger.
Do not forget that no particular food can provide you with permanent protection against diseases; however, a proper diet that includes the foods described above, plus proper exercise and healthy habits, will definitely enhance your immune system and enable you to get better considerably quickly any time you catch an illness.
It is crucial to keep a strong immune system, especially when working, and it’s not only young adults but also older people who need to protect themselves from seasonal flu. For instance, these foods are great all-season, healthy treats for everybody.
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