Natural Remedies for Stronger Bones: How to Increase Bone Density Effortlessly!

Bone density is a very crucial and delicate aspect of human health and one that can be very hazardous especially as human beings advance in their age bracket. One needs to have strong bones for other activities but with these bones, one is likely to fracture the bones and develop osteoporosis. Fortunately, one could get back to the state of being strong as she/he used to be and get even stronger by increasing his/her bone mass naturally. In this blog, we will be highlighting tips on how one can improve bone density, how a person can build bone density after the age of 60, and other useful improvements that would build strong bones.
Bone density may therefore be defined as mass per unit volume of the bone mineral content it has. It is a measure of the bone mass mineralization or how close packed your bones are. Again high bone mass means that the bones are strong and are not easily broken while low bone mass means that the bones are fragile and can easily break.
It is well understood that the bone mass density is usually at its peak at about the third decade and in the first third of the fourth decade. Then it starts declining with age and the difference may not be very wide as illustrated in the graph below. However, this loss can be slowing and in some cases bone mass can be increased at any age with proper and distinct lifestyles and nutrition management.
1. Walking or Jogging
All these exercises are basic but very useful in the process of increasing bone mass especially for the lower limbs.
Hiking also entails moving over different terrains and bearing the body weight on different surfaces, a factor that makes it useful in building bone density.
Tennis or Basketball
Any sport that includes rapid lateral movements and jumping is especially effective for maintaining strong bones.
It is recommended that you engage in weight-bearing exercises to strengthen your bones and at least three to four times in a week for an improved bone mineral density.
2. Resistance Training
Weight bearing exercise or strength training involves getting the muscles and bones to impose body weight with the intention of developing muscles and bone density. Weight training is a form of stress that re-attaches the bone and causes it to remodel and become thicker and denser. Focus on exercises that target major bone-bearing areas, such as:
Squats and Lunges
These exercises subject the leg and hip areas that are normally vulnerable to fractures among the aged population.
Push-Ups and Pull-Ups
These benefit the upper part of the body particularly the arm and shoulder muscles and the chest.
One of the biggest benefits of this powerful exercise is that it mobilises the entire posterior chain, including the spine, to reduce the risk of back pain or fractures.
Begin with the lower loads and progressively add the increasing intensity of the resistance. Ideally one should do between two to three resistance training sessions in a week.
3. Bone Supplements
Bone supplements can be ingested and are very helpful for those people who cannot meet their body’s requirements from the food products. Some of the bone health tablets that are on the market today, and which will assist in improving your level of bone density, are: There is one that we can possibly take, which is called CalStrong- Bone Supplement with Calcium. It is thus a convenient way of making sure that bones get the support that they need so as to maintain their density and also to avoid fractures.
4. Reduce alcohol consumption and avoid smoking.
Moderate drinking of alcohol and smoking also results in a glamorous loss of bone mass in individuals. Alcohol decreases calcium absorption in the intestines and reduces blood flow to the bones, while smoking also inhibits bone formation and also makes the bones weaker.
And for those who wish to partake in alcohol, you should do it responsibly or better still, it is okay if a woman takes just one standard drink in a day or a man takes two standard drinks in a day at most, preferably none. One of the greatest things that can be done to the health of the bones is probably smoking cessation or avoiding cigarettes.
5. Stay Hydrated
This compound is very crucial in the body and it has several uses and one of it is to improve the bone condition. It is also recommended that one should ensure that they take not less than six glasses of water daily for effective working of the bones and the joints.
6. Reduce Salt Intake
Excess intake of salts results in the pullout of calcium ions from bones. Reduce the amount of salty food that you take and live foods rather than processed foods with excessive use of salt or other types of seasonings.
With age, bone mass tends to reduce and hence it becomes very crucial to conserve bone mass as well as strive to increase it at the same time. Below are ways that can be useful for the replenishment of bone density after 60.
Regular Check-Ups
It is also recommended that one should visit a doctor often especially after 60 years of age, and one should have tests conducted to determine their bone density. These tests will help in determining early signs of bone loss and thus call for early management.
Gentle Weight Bearing Exercises
Running, jumping and other high-impact exercises may not be possible for all people over the age of sixty but low-impact weight-bearing exercises such as walking, swimming and light weight training will serve well to keep and even increase the bone density levels. Therefore, more emphasis should be on those exercises that can easily be done by individuals according to their level of flexibility.
Nutritious Diets
Proper nutrition involving a high intake of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and proteins is vital at this age. You should consult proper nutritionists who will advise you on food choices that promote good health for your bones.
Be Active and Mobile
Physical activity, together with the management of weight loss, plays an important role in maintaining strong bones after reaching sixty years old. Engage yourself in vigorous physical activities requiring considerable flexibility, like gardening, dancing or swimming, for instance, which also benefits overall body functioning besides being beneficial for bones only.
Natural foods are some of the methods that can be employed in making bones stronger while lowering chances for bone related diseases. Below are five key areas that should guide individuals interested in promoting their bone density through natural foods:
1. Calcium-Rich Foods
Usually, calcium is regarded as the best mineral for maintaining healthy bones. Have sufficient amounts of milk, yogurt, cheese, kale, spinach, almonds and tofu, which contain calcium.
2. Vitamin D-Rich Foods
Calcium absorption by our bodies is facilitated by vitamin D. Some sources include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, egg yolk; orange juice or cereals fortified with vitamin D.
3. Magnesium-Rich Foods
This mineral aids in conversion into active form enabling it to help utilize calcium from other sources such as food supplements. Examples are nuts (like almonds and cashews), seeds (for instance pumpkin or sunflower), whole grains, plus dark green veggies.
4. Vitamin K2-Rich Foods
In transporting calcium correctly so it goes to the bones, not arteries; hence, hemostasis functions optimally. Among them include dairy products like natto cheese or fermented cabbage shreds together with vegetables high in vitamin K2 including leafy greens (coriander).
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are effective in lowering inflammation levels and strengthening bone structure. Increase your consumption of omega-3 fatty acid-containing foods like oily fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel), flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts to increase bone mass.
It is a common belief that, once adulthood is gained, it’s impossible to improve on bone density but several studies have revealed that certain dietary changes and exercises can reverse reduction of bone density at any age. To avoid incidences of fractures and osteoporosis, if performed correctly, consequently help one retain or build upon the necessary level of minerals, including weight-bearing exercises as well as enough nutrition.
These tips will help you achieve such a goal especially if you are sixty years old or above your ideal body weight or just wish to attain better general health when you hit fifty years old. Remember, regardless of how young you are in life, an investment in your bony structure must start early on; do these things!
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